Welcome to Safe Church

This website is for congregations, presbyteries and faith communities of the
Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania.

You will find here everything you need to make your organisation as safe as possible for children and meet your moral and legal responsibilities as spelled out in the
Synod’s Child Safe Policy.

The Church affirms its commitment to upholding the law, including the requirement to report abuse to the appropriate authorities.

Home - Warning sign

If a child is in immediate danger, ring 000

and report the situation to the police. Try to keep the child safe in the meantime.

If you need to report a case of misconduct, abuse or historical abuse CLICK HERE


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints please contact the Culture of Safety Unit by email or direct your call to one of our representatives below.

Morag Logan

Safe Church Manager

Morag is a Minister of the Word who has a wide range of Church experience. Morag’s role includes: 

  • Providing advice about breaches of the Code of Ethics. 
  • Being the contact person for breaches of a sexual nature. 
  • Being the Convenor of Advisers for the Synod Sexual Misconduct Complaints Committee. 
  • Overseeing Code of Ethics training and enquiries. 
  • Overseeing ministry supervision directory, standards and encouragement. 

Monday - Thursday 03 9116 1434 or 0437 072 231 or email.

Josh Tuhipa-Turner

Safe Church Coordinator

Josh is a social worker who has worked in child protection, adult offenders, youth justice and with sex offenders and training. Josh is responsible for: 

  • Safe Church Training for implementation of safe church policies. 
  • Advice about the protection of children and vulnerable adults. 
  • Implementation and support of the Synod’s Person of Concern policy. 
  • Advice about implementing Safe Church policies, including the UCA Child Safe Policy and Working with Children/Vulnerable People Check/Registration.

Tuesday - Thursday 03 9116 1438 or email.

Candice Coles

Culture of Safety Advisor

Candice is a social worker who has worked in family services, youth mental health, training and policy implementation. Candice is responsible for:

  • Assisting with resourcing and implementation of the Synod’s Child Safe Policy.
  • Advice about the protection of children and vulnerable adults. 
  • Being the contact person for Direct Personal Responses as part of the National Redress Scheme or through other redress processes.
  • Providing support and direction for Reportable Conduct issues.

Monday - Thursday 0499 408 889 or email.
