Church Council - SC blob Training

Completing Child Safe Training will help all appointed leaders understand the importance of keeping children safe and their own responsibilities.

Completing Child Safe Training will help all appointed leaders understand the importance of keeping children safe and their own responsibilities.

To ensure all appointed leaders can access the training, the Culture of Safety Unit has worked to ensure it can be offered in a variety of ways. You can complete the training in one of the following ways:

Online, through the learning management system. To enrol, click here


As a group led by someone who has already completed the training – who will also ensure attendance is taken and that information is forwarded to the Culture of Safety unit.

If you need to register a group of who has completed training, click here


Self-paced individual learning via a workbook for which you will need to register for.

If you have printed and completed the self-paced learning resource click here

You can find all the resources you need here, as well as how to enrol into the online program.

Regardless of your mode, once complete, a Certificate of Completion will be mailed to you.

Home - Warning sign

If a child is in immediate danger, ring 000

and report the situation to the police. Try to keep the child safe in the meantime.

If you need to report a case of misconduct, abuse or historical abuse CLICK HERE